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    /* <nowiki>
     * Library for accessing i18n messages for use in Dev Wiki scripts.
     * See [[I18n-js]] for documentation.
     * @author Cqm <https://dev.fandom.com/User:Cqm>
     * @author OneTwoThreeFall <https://dev.fandom.com/User:OneTwoThreeFall>
     * @version 0.5.12
     * @notes Also used by VSTF wiki for their reporting forms (with a non-dev i18n.json page)
     * @notes This is apparently a commonly used library for a number of scripts and also includes
     *        a check to prevent double loading. This can make it painful to test from your JS
     *        console. To get around this, add ?usesitejs=0&useuserjs=0 to your URL.
    /*global mediaWiki */
    /*jshint bitwise:true, camelcase:true, curly:true, eqeqeq:true, es3:false,
        forin:true, immed:true, indent:4, latedef:true, newcap:true,
        noarg:true, noempty:true, nonew:true, plusplus:true, quotmark:single,
        undef:true, unused:true, strict:true, trailing:true,
        browser:true, devel:false, jquery:true,
    (function (window, $, mw, undefined) {
        'use strict';
        window.dev = window.dev || {};
        window.dev.i18n = window.dev.i18n || {};
        // prevent double loading and loss of cache
        if (window.dev.i18n.loadMessages !== undefined) {
             * Cache of mw config variables.
        var conf = mw.config.get([
             * Current time in milliseconds, used to set and check cache age.
            now = Date.now(),
             * Length of one day in milliseconds, used in cache age calculations.
            oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
             * Prefix used for localStorage keys that contain i18n-js cache data.
            cachePrefix = 'i18n-cache-',
             * Cache of loaded I18n instances.
            cache = {},
             * Initial overrides object, initialised below with the i18n global variable.
             * Allows end-users to override specific messages. See documentation for how to use.
            overrides = null,
             * Language fallbacks for those that don't fallback to English.
             * Shouldn't need updating unless Wikia change theirs.
             * To generate this, use `$ grep -R "fallback =" /path/to/messages/`,
             * pipe the result to a text file and format the result.
            fallbacks = {
                'ab': 'ru',
                'ace': 'id',
                'aln': 'sq',
                'als': 'gsw',
                'an': 'es',
                'anp': 'hi',
                'arn': 'es',
                'arz': 'ar',
                'av': 'ru',
                'ay': 'es',
                'ba': 'ru',
                'bar': 'de',
                'bat-smg': 'sgs',
                'bcc': 'fa',
                'be-x-old': 'be-tarask',
                'bh': 'bho',
                'bjn': 'id',
                'bm': 'fr',
                'bpy': 'bn',
                'bqi': 'fa',
                'bug': 'id',
                'cbk-zam': 'es',
                'ce': 'ru',
                'ckb': 'ckb-arab',
                'crh': 'crh-latn',
                'crh-cyrl': 'ru',
                'csb': 'pl',
                'cv': 'ru',
                'de-at': 'de',
                'de-ch': 'de',
                'de-formal': 'de',
                'dsb': 'de',
                'dtp': 'ms',
                'eml': 'it',
                'ff': 'fr',
                'fiu-vro': 'vro',
                'frc': 'fr',
                'frp': 'fr',
                'frr': 'de',
                'fur': 'it',
                'gag': 'tr',
                'gan': 'gan-hant',
                'gan-hans': 'zh-hans',
                'gan-hant': 'zh-hant',
                'gl': 'pt',
                'glk': 'fa',
                'gn': 'es',
                'gsw': 'de',
                'hif': 'hif-latn',
                'hsb': 'de',
                'ht': 'fr',
                'ii': 'zh-cn',
                'inh': 'ru',
                'iu': 'ike-cans',
                'jut': 'da',
                'jv': 'id',
                'kaa': 'kk-latn',
                'kbd': 'kbd-cyrl',
                'kbd-cyrl': 'ru',
                'khw': 'ur',
                'kiu': 'tr',
                'kk': 'kk-cyrl',
                'kk-arab': 'kk-cyrl',
                'kk-cn': 'kk-arab',
                'kk-kz': 'kk-cyrl',
                'kk-latn': 'kk-cyrl',
                'kk-tr': 'kk-latn',
                'kl': 'da',
                'koi': 'ru',
                'ko-kp': 'ko',
                'krc': 'ru',
                'ks': 'ks-arab',
                'ksh': 'de',
                'ku': 'ku-latn',
                'ku-arab': 'ckb',
                'kv': 'ru',
                'lad': 'es',
                'lb': 'de',
                'lbe': 'ru',
                'lez': 'ru',
                'li': 'nl',
                'lij': 'it',
                'liv': 'et',
                'lmo': 'it',
                'ln': 'fr',
                'ltg': 'lv',
                'lzz': 'tr',
                'mai': 'hi',
                'map-bms': 'jv',
                'mg': 'fr',
                'mhr': 'ru',
                'min': 'id',
                'mo': 'ro',
                'mrj': 'ru',
                'mwl': 'pt',
                'myv': 'ru',
                'mzn': 'fa',
                'nah': 'es',
                'nap': 'it',
                'nds': 'de',
                'nds-nl': 'nl',
                'nl-informal': 'nl',
                'no': 'nb',
                'os': 'ru',
                'pcd': 'fr',
                'pdc': 'de',
                'pdt': 'de',
                'pfl': 'de',
                'pms': 'it',
                // 'pt': 'pt-br',
                'pt-br': 'pt',
                'qu': 'es',
                'qug': 'qu',
                'rgn': 'it',
                'rmy': 'ro',
                'rue': 'uk',
                'ruq': 'ruq-latn',
                'ruq-cyrl': 'mk',
                'ruq-latn': 'ro',
                'sa': 'hi',
                'sah': 'ru',
                'scn': 'it',
                'sg': 'fr',
                'sgs': 'lt',
                'shi': 'ar',
                'simple': 'en',
                'sli': 'de',
                'sr': 'sr-ec',
                'srn': 'nl',
                'stq': 'de',
                'su': 'id',
                'szl': 'pl',
                'tcy': 'kn',
                'tg': 'tg-cyrl',
                'tt': 'tt-cyrl',
                'tt-cyrl': 'ru',
                'ty': 'fr',
                'udm': 'ru',
                'ug': 'ug-arab',
                'uk': 'ru',
                'vec': 'it',
                'vep': 'et',
                'vls': 'nl',
                'vmf': 'de',
                'vot': 'fi',
                'vro': 'et',
                'wa': 'fr',
                'wo': 'fr',
                'wuu': 'zh-hans',
                'xal': 'ru',
                'xmf': 'ka',
                'yi': 'he',
                'za': 'zh-hans',
                'zea': 'nl',
                'zh': 'zh-hans',
                'zh-classical': 'lzh',
                'zh-cn': 'zh-hans',
                'zh-hant': 'zh-hans',
                'zh-hk': 'zh-hant',
                'zh-min-nan': 'nan',
                'zh-mo':  'zh-hk',
                'zh-my':  'zh-sg',
                'zh-sg':  'zh-hans',
                'zh-tw':  'zh-hant',
                'zh-yue': 'yue'
         * Get a translation of a message from the messages object in the
         * requested language.
         * @param messages The message object to look translations up in.
         * @param msgName The name of the message to get.
         * @param lang The language to get the message in.
         * @return The requested translation or the name wrapped in < ... > if no
         *     message could be found.
        function getMsg(messages, msgName, lang) {
            if (messages[lang] && messages[lang][msgName]) {
                return messages[lang][msgName];
            if (lang === 'en') {
                return '<' + msgName + '>';
            lang = fallbacks[lang] || 'en';
            return getMsg(messages, msgName, lang);
         * Substitute arguments into the string, where arguments are represented
         * as $n where n > 0.
         * @param message The message to substitute arguments into
         * @param arguments The arguments to substitute in.
         * @return The resulting message.
        function handleArgs(message, args) {
            args.forEach(function (elem, index) {
                var rgx = new RegExp('\\$' + (index + 1), 'g');
                message = message.replace(rgx, elem);
            return message;
         * Generate a HTML link using the supplied parameters.
         * @param href The href of the link which will be converted to
         *     '/wiki/href'.
         * @param text The text and title of the link. If this is not supplied, it
         *     will default to href.
         * @param hasProtocol True if the href parameter already includes the
         *     protocol (i.e. it begins with 'http://', 'https://', or '//').
         * @return The generated link.
        function makeLink(href, text, hasProtocol) {
            text = text || href;
            href = hasProtocol ? href : mw.util.getUrl(href);
            text = mw.html.escape(text);
            href = mw.html.escape(href);
            return '<a href="' + href + '" title="' + text + '">' + text + '</a>';
         * Allow basic inline HTML tags in wikitext.does not support <a> as that's handled by the
         * wikitext links instead.
         * Supports the following tags:
         * - <i>
         * - <b>
         * - <s>
         * - <br>
         * - <em>
         * - <strong>
         * - <span>
         * Supports the following tag attributes:
         * - title
         * - style
         * - class
         * @param html
         * @return The sanitised HTML code.
        function sanitiseHtml(html) {
            var context = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''),
                $html = $.parseHTML(html, /* document */ context, /* keepscripts */ false),
                $div = $('<div>', context).append($html),
                allowedAttrs = [
                allowedTags = [
            $div.find('*').each(function () {
                var $this = $(this),
                    tagname = $this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase(),
                if (allowedTags.indexOf(tagname) === -1) {
                    mw.log('[I18n-js] Disallowed tag in message: ' + tagname);
                attrs = $this.prop('attributes');
                array = Array.prototype.slice.call(attrs);
                array.forEach(function (attr) {
                    if (allowedAttrs.indexOf(attr.name) === -1) {
                        mw.log('[I18n-js] Disallowed attribute in message: ' + attr.name + ', tag: ' + tagname);
                    // make sure there's nothing nasty in style attributes
                    if (attr.name === 'style') {
                        style = $this.attr('style');
                        if (style.indexOf('url(') > -1) {
                            mw.log('[I18n-js] Disallowed url() in style attribute');
                        // https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T208881
                        } else if (style.indexOf('var(') > -1) {
                            mw.log('[I18n-js] Disallowed var() in style attribute');
            return $div.prop('innerHTML');
         * Parse some basic wikitext into HTML. Also supports basic inline HTML tags.
         * Will process:
         * - [url text]
         * - [[pagename]]
         * - [[pagename|text]]
         * - {{PLURAL:count|singular|plural}}
         * - {{GENDER:gender|masculine|feminine|neutral}}
         * @param message The message to process.
         * @return The resulting string.
        function parse(message) {
                // [url text] -> [$1 $2]
            var urlRgx = /\[((?:https?:)?\/\/.+?) (.+?)\]/g,
                // [[pagename]] -> [[$1]]
                simplePageRgx = /\[\[([^|]*?)\]\]/g,
                // [[pagename|text]] -> [[$1|$2]]
                pageWithTextRgx = /\[\[(.+?)\|(.+?)\]\]/g,
                // {{PLURAL:count|singular|plural}} -> {{PLURAL:$1|$2}}
                pluralRgx = /\{\{PLURAL:(\d+)\|(.+?)\}\}/gi,
                // {{GENDER:gender|masculine|feminine|neutral}} -> {{GENDER:$1|$2}}
                genderRgx = /\{\{GENDER:([^|]+)\|(.+?)\}\}/gi;
            if (message.indexOf('<') > -1) {
                message = sanitiseHtml(message);
            return message
                .replace(urlRgx, function (_match, href, text) {
                    return makeLink(href, text, true);
                .replace(simplePageRgx, function (_match, href) {
                    return makeLink(href);
                .replace(pageWithTextRgx, function (_match, href, text) {
                    return makeLink(href, text);
                .replace(pluralRgx, function (_match, count, forms) {
                    return mw.language.convertPlural(Number(count), forms.split('|'));
                .replace(genderRgx, function (_match, gender, forms) {
                    return mw.language.gender(gender, forms.split('|'));
         * Create a new Message instance.
         * @param messages The message object to look translations up in.
         * @param lang The language to get the message in.
         * @param args Any arguments to substitute into the message, [0] is message name.
         * @param name The name of the script the messages are for.
        function message(messages, lang, args, name) {
            if (!args.length) {
            var msgName = args.shift(),
                noMsg = '<' + msgName + '>',
            if (conf.wgUserLanguage === 'qqx') {
                // https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:System_message#Finding_messages_and_documentation
                msg = '(i18njs-' + name + '-' + msgName + ')';
            } else if (overrides[name] && overrides[name][msgName]) {
                // if the message has been overridden, use that without checking the language
                msg = overrides[name][msgName];
            } else {
                msg = getMsg(messages, msgName, lang);
            if (args.length) {
                msg = handleArgs(msg, args);
            return {
                 * Boolean representing whether the message exists.
                exists: msg !== noMsg,
                 * Parse wikitext links in the message and return the result.
                 * @return The resulting string.
                parse: function () {
                    // skip parsing if the message wasn't found otherwise
                    // the sanitisation will mess with it
                    if (!this.exists) {
                        return this.escape();
                    return parse(msg);
                 * Escape any HTML in the message and return the result.
                 * @return The resulting string.
                escape: function () {
                    return mw.html.escape(msg);
                 * Return the message as is.
                 * @return The resulting string.
                plain: function () {
                    return msg;
         * Create a new i18n object.
         * @param messages The message object to look translations up in.
         * @param name The name of the script the messages are for.
         * @param options Options set by the loading script.
        function i18n(messages, name, options) {
            var defaultLang = options.language,
                tempLang = null;
            return {
                 * Set the default language.
                 * @param lang The language code to use by default.
                useLang: function (lang) {
                    defaultLang = lang;
                 * Set the language for the next msg call.
                 * @param lang The language code to use for the next `msg` call.
                 * @return The current object for use in chaining.
                inLang: function (lang) {
                    tempLang = lang;
                    return this;
                 * Set the default language to the content language.
                useContentLang: function () {
                    defaultLang = conf.wgContentLanguage;
                 * Set the language for the next `msg` call to the content language.
                 * @return The current object for use in chaining.
                inContentLang: function () {
                    tempLang = conf.wgContentLanguage;
                    return this;
                 * Set the default language to the user's language.
                useUserLang: function () {
                    defaultLang = options.language;
                 * Set the language for the next msg call to the user's language.
                 * @return The current object for use in chaining.
                inUserLang: function () {
                    tempLang = options.language;
                    return this;
                 * Create a new instance of Message.
                msg: function () {
                    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
                        lang = defaultLang;
                    if (tempLang !== null) {
                        lang = tempLang;
                        tempLang = null;
                    return message(messages, lang, args, name);
                 * For accessing the raw messages.
                _messages: messages
         * Remove out-of-date entries in the i18n cache (those older than two days).
         * This can never be perfect: it will only work on wikis that are visited.
        function removeOldCacheEntries() {
            var isCacheKey = new RegExp('^(' + cachePrefix + '.+)-content$'),
                storageKeys = [];
            try {
                storageKeys = Object.keys(localStorage);
            } catch (e) {}
            storageKeys.filter(function (key) {
                    return isCacheKey.test(key);
            }).forEach(function (key) {
                var keyPrefix = key.match(isCacheKey)[1],
                try {
                    cacheTimestamp = Number(localStorage.getItem(keyPrefix + '-timestamp'));
                } catch (e) {}
                if (now - cacheTimestamp < oneDay * 2) {
                    // cached within last two days, keep it
                try {
                    localStorage.removeItem(keyPrefix + '-content');
                    localStorage.removeItem(keyPrefix + '-timestamp');
                    localStorage.removeItem(keyPrefix + '-version');
                } catch (e) {}
         * Strip block comments from a JSON string which are illegal under the JSON spec.
         * This is a bit basic, so will remove comments inside strings too.
         * @param json The JSON string.
         * @return The JSON string after any comments have been removed.
        function stripComments(json) {
            json = json
                .replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g, '');
            return json;
         * Save messages string to local storage for caching.
         * @param name The name of the script the messages are for.
         * @param json The JSON object.
         * @param cacheVersion Cache version requested by the loading script.
        function saveToCache(name, json, cacheVersion) {
            var keyPrefix = cachePrefix + name;
            // don't cache empty JSON
            if (Object.keys(json).length === 0) {
            try {
                localStorage.setItem(keyPrefix + '-content', JSON.stringify(json));
                localStorage.setItem(keyPrefix + '-timestamp', now);
                localStorage.setItem(keyPrefix + '-version', cacheVersion || 0);
            } catch (e) {}
         * Parse JSON string loaded from page and create an i18n object.
         * @param name The name of the script the messages are for.
         * @param res The JSON string.
         * @param options Options set by the loading script.
         * @return The resulting i18n object.
        function parseMessagesToObject(name, res, options) {
            var json = {},
            // handle parse errors gracefully
            try {
                res = stripComments(res);
                json = JSON.parse(res);
            } catch (e) {
                msg = e.message;
                if (msg === 'Unexpected end of JSON input') {
                    msg += '. This may be caused by a non-existent i18n.json page.';
                console.warn('[I18n-js] SyntaxError in messages: ' + msg);
            obj = i18n(json, name, options);
            // cache the result in case it's used multiple times
            cache[name] = obj;
            if (typeof options.cacheVersion === 'number') {
                saveToCache(name, json, options.cacheVersion);
            return obj;
         * Load messages string from local storage cache and add to cache object.
         * @param name The name of the script the messages are for.
         * @param options Options set by the loading script.
        function loadFromCache(name, options) {
            var keyPrefix = cachePrefix + name,
            try {
                cacheContent = localStorage.getItem(keyPrefix + '-content');
                cacheVersion = Number(localStorage.getItem(keyPrefix + '-version'));
            } catch (e) {}
            // cache exists, and its version is greater than or equal to requested version
            if (cacheContent && cacheVersion >= options.cacheVersion) {
                delete options.cacheVersion;
                parseMessagesToObject(name, cacheContent, options);
         * Load messages stored as JSON on a page.
         * @param name The name of the script the messages are for. This will be
         *     used to get messages from
         *     https://dev.fandom.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Custom-name/i18n.json.
         * @param options Options set by the loading script:
         *     cacheVersion: Minimum cache version requested by the loading script.
         *     language: Set a default language for the script to use, instead of wgUserLanguage.
         *     noCache: Never load i18n from cache (not recommended for general use).
         * @return A jQuery.Deferred instance.
        function loadMessages(name, options) {
            var deferred = $.Deferred(),
                customSource = name.match(/^u:(?:([a-z-]+)\.)?([a-z0-9-]+):/),
                apiEndpoint = 'https://dc-multiverse.dcwikis.com/w/api.php',
                page = 'MediaWiki:' + name + '/i18n.json',
            options = options || {};
            options.cacheVersion = Number(options.cacheVersion) || 0;
            options.language = options.language ? String(options.language) : conf.wgUserLanguage;
            options.useCache = (options.noCache || conf.debug) !== true;
            // if using the special 'qqx' language code, there's no need to load
            // the messages, so resolve with an empty i18n object and return early
            if (conf.wgUserLanguage === 'qqx') {
                return deferred.resolve(i18n({}, name, options));
            if (options.useCache) {
                loadFromCache(name, options);
                if (cache[name]) {
                    return deferred.resolve(cache[name]);
            // allow custom i18n pages to be specified on other wikis
            // mainly for VSTF wiki to keep their own JSON file
            // note this only supports loading from wikis on fandom.com
            if (customSource) {
                apiEndpoint = apiEndpoint.replace('dev', customSource[2]);
                page = name.slice(customSource[0].length);
                // adjust endpoint when loading from interlanguage wiki
                if (customSource[1]) {
                    apiEndpoint = apiEndpoint.replace(
                        customSource[1] + '/$&'
            params = {
                action: 'query',
                format: 'json',
                prop: 'revisions',
                rvprop: 'content',
                titles: page,
                indexpageids: 1
            // site and user are dependencies so end-users can set overrides in their local JS
            // and have it take effect before we load the messagaes
            // generally, we will implicitly depend on those anyway due to where/when this is loaded
            mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.language', 'mediawiki.util'/*, 'site', 'user'*/], function () {
                $.ajax(apiEndpoint, {
                    data: params,
                    dataType: 'jsonp'
                }).always(function (data) {
                    var res = '',
                        revisionData = data.query && data.query.pages[data.query.pageids[0]].revisions;
                    if (revisionData) {
                        res = revisionData[0]['*'];
                    deferred.resolve(parseMessagesToObject(name, res, options));
            return deferred;
        // expose under the dev global
        window.dev.i18n = $.extend(window.dev.i18n, {
            loadMessages: loadMessages,
            // 'hidden' functions to allow testing
            _stripComments: stripComments,
            _saveToCache: saveToCache,
            _getMsg: getMsg,
            _handleArgs: handleArgs,
            _parse: parse,
            _fallbacks: fallbacks
        // initialise overrides object
        window.dev.i18n.overrides = window.dev.i18n.overrides || {};
        overrides = window.dev.i18n.overrides;
        // fire an event on load
        // alternatively, use $.getScript (or mw.loader)
        // and use the returned promise
        // tidy the localStorage cache of old entries
    }(this, jQuery, mediaWiki));
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